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Coolest. Job. Ever.


It's a love story.


Our mission is simple: A less-stressed, happier and healthier you!




Life Environments is a life sciences company that began in an effort to help calm patients undergoing healthcare procedures with fewer drugs. Less stress and fewer drugs have been shown to enable superior clinical patient outcomes. To address this challenge, we looked to nature's experience for its enormous impacts on mind and body for answers. As it turns out, nature inhibits stress and refreshes the brain in ways nothing else, including drugs, can. More critically, it accomplishes this safely, effectively and without adverse responses or overdose risks. 


Unfortunately, traditional recording technologies are unable to capture and deliver nature's experience in the lifelike ways capable of triggering the brain like live nature. We developed new recording technology and mastering approaches that enable us to capture nature's experience in lifelike ways the brain responds to similarly to live nature.  The result is an aural experience that triggers the brain's reset and refresh responses naturally, safely and effectively - even when Mother Nature is no place to be found.


Mother Nature does the heavy lifting within your brain. We simply make her experience fit into your pocket.



Where our products are born...


Our products are imagined, engineered, designed and produced in Indiana, USA. Our work is made possible with the expertise from global resources. Life Environments leverages research and innovation from leading minds worldwide and universities in more than 23 countries. Our innovations are available in 38 countries, and that list continues to grow.



Our customers...


​From individuals of all ages wanting leading-edge stress and refreshment technology to health professionals and corporations seeking to inhibit the adverse impacts of stress on decision-making, problem-solving and solution creation within their organizations, the immersive aural technology of Life Environments is considered an essential element of a leading-edge wellness effort. 


​Our family is a global one – and growing. Living better with less stress is a universal message that is welcomed around the world today. We are proud to be on the leading edge of this exciting new technology and an essential part of wellness programs worldwide.



Our philosophy...


​Living your best life begins by inhibiting what holds you back and maximizing what makes life's experience more delightful and meaningful. Life Environments helps people just like you manage stress smarter through innovative products, the latest science and new thinking.​​​​


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